Check out our archive for official ORELiA voicebanks. Let her help you sing your thoughts.

Version: AUTOMN
Design & Voice: Amethyst
Release Date/Creation Date: 31.10.2019
Language: French
Type: CVVC (1/1)
Resampler/Software: TIPS for OpenUTAU
oto.ini?: Yes
Version: CHN
Voice: Amethyst
Release Date/Creation Date: 27.03.2020
Language: Chinese
Type: CVC
Resampler/Software: Any for OpenUTAU / DeepVocal database included
oto.ini?: Yes (not sure if it works)
Version: QUE
Voice: Amethyst
Release Date/Creation Date: 11.10.2020
Language: French Canada
Type: CV
Resampler/Software: Any for OpenUTAU
oto.ini?: Yes (not sure if it works)
Version: JP
Design & Voice: Amethyst
Release Date/Creation Date: 16.12.2020
Language: Japanese
Type: CV
Resampler/Software: Any for OpenUTAU / DeepVocal database included
oto.ini?: Yes
Version: BFW
Design & Voice: Amethyst
Release Date/Creation Date: 22.12.2021
Language: French
Type: Based-From-Words
Resampler/Software: Any for OpenUTAU
oto.ini?: Yes (not sure if it works)
Version: (Ex)
Design & Voice: Amethyst
Release Date/Creation Date: 03.09.2022
Language: French
Type: Arpasing (Sphinx)
Appends: Electric
Resampler/Software: Any for OpenUTAU
oto.ini?: Yes (not sure if it works)
Version: for DiffSinger (Beta)
Design & Voice: Amethyst
Release Date/Creation Date: 17.12.2023
Language: French
Type: Singing
Resampler/Software: DiffSinger for OpenUTAU
Version: NNSVS
Design & Voice: Amethyst
Release Date/Creation Date: 31.10.2022
Language: French
Type: Singing
Resampler/Software: NNSVS/ENUNU for OpenUTAU
Extra: Lite version included
Version: WINTER
Design & Voice: Amethyst
Release Date/Creation Date: 31.12.2019
Language: French
Type: CVVC (Alphabet)
Resampler/Software: TIPS for OpenUTAU
oto.ini?: Yes
Version: KOR
Voice: Amethyst
Release Date/Creation Date: 29.03.2020
Language: Korean
Type: CVC
Resampler/Software: Any for OpenUTAU / DeepVocal database included
oto.ini?: Yes (not sure if it works)
Version: Unknown
Design & Voice: Amethyst
Release Date/Creation Date: Unknown
Language: French
Type: VCVVC (Gros Mot)
Resampler/Software: Any for OpenUTAU
oto.ini?: Yes (not sure if it works)
Version: ORIGINALµ+
Design & Voice: Amethyst
Release Date/Creation Date: 11.11.2021
Language: French
Type: CVVC (Petit Mot)
Appends: DARKµ+
Resampler/Software: Doppeltler64 for OpenUTAU
oto.ini?: Yes
Version: ~Neutre~
Voice: Amethyst
Design: Jefuru
Release Date/Creation Date: 05.03.2022
Language: French
Type: Arpasing (Sphinx)
Resampler/Software: Any for OpenUTAU
oto.ini?: Yes
Version: Test
Design & Voice: Amethyst
Release Date/Creation Date: Unknown
Language: French
Type: CV
Version: for Sphinx
Design & Voice: Amethyst
Release Date/Creation Date: 08.03.2023
Language: French
Type: Arpasing (Sphinx)
Resampler/Software: Any for OpenUTAU
oto.ini?: Yes
Version: 実験的な日本語の声
Release Date/Creation Date: 03.09.2022
Language: Japanese
Type: CV-C
Resampler/Software: Any for OpenUTAU
oto.ini?: Yes
Terms Of Usage
This is the only repertory you'll refer to if you need one of ORELiA's Voicebank.
If you want to use her for commercial use, make sure the author, Amethyst, at personnalaiyuki@gmail.com
“The author” refers to the entity, Amethyst.
“Character” refers to the design and official illustrations owned by the author.
“Voicebank” refers to the vocal synthesis product distributed by the author.
“Works” refers to anything created using the publisher’s “character” and/or “voicebank” not made by the author.
The following terms will only apply to an individual who uses the Voicebank or Character.
1. Usage of the software must follow the terms set by the creator and programmer.
2. When posting works with ORELiA's character or voicebank, please use her name spelled “ORELiA” and not "Orelia" or "ORELIA". Please also link back to “StudioWAN” in the credits of the works (eg. “ORELiA by StudioWAN” or “ORELiA by @StudioW4N”).
3. Commercial usage of any “ORELiA” voicebanks is permitted with prior notice to the author.
4. Commercial usage of the “ORELiA” character is permitted without any prior notice to the author. This includes the usage of official art owned by the author.
5. Alterations and derivatives of the “ORELiA” character are prohibited.
6. The author will not be held accountable for works in connection with illicit, violent, and/or pornographic content, however, there is no restriction in creating works of this nature.
7. The author will not be held accountable for works in connection with political or social causes, and/or religious uses, nor are they permitted under any circumstances.
8. Programming (oto.ini) and sample (.wav) modifications are permitted for personal use. Redistribution of any voicebanks with these modifications is not permitted without explicit permission from the author.
9. Porting any “ORELiA” voicebank to another concatenative style vocal synth (eg. DeepVocal, NIAONiao, etc.) is permitted for personal use. Redistribution of any voicebanks with these modifications is not permitted without explicit permission from the author.
10. Use of any audio files from or audio generated using “ORELiA” voicebanks to train any kind of AI database (eg. RVC, DiffSinger, etc.) is strictly prohibited.
11. Redistribution or unauthorised sales of any “ORELiA” voicebank is strictly prohibited.